Working Experience              :   -     PT. Watu Sinergi Nusantara
                                                          (01st December 2015 –  08th October 2018)
                                                          Manufacture and Trading of Fuel Energy Reformer

-          PT. Gain Yusilan Indonesia
      (04th September 2012 –  30th November 2015)
      Manufacture and Trading of Fuel Energy Reformer

-          PT. Tridharma Broker Consultant and Insurance
(15th April 2012 16th May 2012)

-         Insurance Company (2004 – 25th November 2011)
       PT. Asuransi Indrapura (Royal Sun and Alliance Network)

-      Shipping Company (1998 – 2004 )
       PT. Layar Sentosa Shipping Corporation
       (Representative of Gold Star Line, Zime Line & LNL)                                                 

Company        :  PT. Watu Sinergi Nusantara
Position           :  PPIC and GA Manager
Period             :  01st  December 2015  -  08th  October 2018

Job and Authorities as PPIC
1.      Provide Raw Material as per production division request
2.      Provide Material Requirement Planning related to production division and purchasing
3.      Provide Master Bill Of Material
4.      Control  IN and OUT for Raw Material and Finish Good – make sure everything on procedure
5.      Monitor and control all warehouse matter.
6.      Control all production request and needed, done by purchasing division.
7.      Maintenance relation with suppliers, distributors and packaging company.
8.      Provide PPIC and GA weekly report to Production Director, etc.
9.      Monitor, control and manage any kind of warehouse matter, such as inventory, stock etc.
10.  Monitor, control and handling e-commerce product sales

Job and Authorities as GA
1.      Monitor all factory and employee needed. (security, stationary, communication facility, and other operational needed)
2.      Maintenance relation with Government Institution and Environment including any legalities company.
3.      Monitor all SOP factory are working.
4.      Monitor factory facility and asset (maintenance vehicle, building, factory area, etc).
5.      Monitor of maintenance handling machines including mechanical and electrical
6.      Provide schedule kind of  “work shop” factory needed to upgrade employee skill, etc.

Additional Job
1.      Provide weekly petty cash report to finance division.
2.      Provide request factory operational cost
1.      Provide, handling, maintenance factory cost, etc.

Company        :  PT. Gain Yusilan Indonesia
Position           :  Finance and Operational Manager
Period             :  04th September 2012 –  30th November 2015

Job and Authorities
1.      To manage the office and factory operations.
2.      To control finance and acoounting mattter.
3.      To control company productions including purchasing, raw material suply, quality control and oprational matter.
4.      Monitor and control all warehouse matter.
5.      Keep in touch with client, distributor and other network partner to maintain all business projects, etc.  Assist & Discussing / related to operational director for above matter.
6.      Provide and manage employee desk jobs.
7.      Provide and reporting company operational budgeting to BOD and BOC for monthly report or yearly (such as RUPS needed), etc.

Company         : PT. Tridharma Broker Consultant and Insurance
Position           : Customer Service Assistance Manager
Period             : 15th April 2012 16th May 2012

Job and Authorities
1.      Maintenance and  monitorring company business from related buiness partner or direct clients,  
       such as follow up quotation request, by phone, email or visit / meeting.
2.       Provide, explain and give suggestion to client in respect of their needed about insurance

Company        : PT. Asuransi Indrapura
Position           : Technical GM Assistance for Global Business Customer Service
Period             : May 2004 –  25th November, 2011  

Job and Authorities   
  1. To underwrite the risk of insurance covered,
  2. Received all Insurance Request from client, local or global (overseas),
  3. To analyzed  risk type from each Insurance request base on type of insurance, cover risk of insurance and survey report, whether acceptable or not as per underwriting consideration.
  4. To calculated the premium rate, discount rate or commission to client base on type of insurance, risk of insurance and claim / loss ratio report,
  5. Preparing Quotation Insurance to client, such as Marine Cargo / marine Hull Insurance Quotation, Property All Risk Insurance  Quotation, Fire or Vehicle Insurance Quotation and sending renewal notice to client for renewal insurance cover whether they want to continue,  etc,
  6. Preparing cover note or certificate insurance for special condition,
  7. Follow up all business from global partner business, agent, broker or direct client,
  8. Correspondence to all client type, by e-mail, fax or phone directly,
  9. Preparing report and  spread sheet regarding success or  loss business and client global insurance request, etc. 
  10. Handling special risk for Traditional Market Insurance, Offshore and Onshore, Terrorism and Sabotage in Indonesia territorial (all branch) and Motor Vehicle Extended Warranty  
  11. Supporting and solve the problem if branches needed, special for Traditional Market Risk.
  12. Provide budget production for next year and best estimate production in every year for any kind of Global business.
  13. Solve the problem for any kind pending matter of Global Business with Producing office and Global Support.
  14. Providing of Reinsurance Facultative Global maintenance sheet for monthly report to management.
  15. Reconciliation outstanding balance premium with headquarter, producing office, servicing office and local client
  16. Support finance department such as reconciliation report to Central Accounting Unit to UK, etc in respect of finance matter.
  17. Provide budget (forecasting production) and real production report, then analysis the data and caused, whether the production reach the target or not
  18. Attended some meetings on behalf company such as :
- The Consortium of Market Special Risk Insurance for Indonesia Territorial meeting
- General Insurance Association of Indonesia meeting
- Reinsurance Company meeting
- The Asia Pacific Global Conference meeting at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
   (I was received Silver Award for period 2007 – 2008)

Company        : PT. Layar Sentosa Shipping Corporation Indonesia
Position           : Customer Service Division
                          1.   Pricing Department Staff
 2.   Export – Import  Supervisor
 3.   Traffic Department ( Branch Coordinator Assistance Manager )

Period             :  July, 1998 until January, 2004

Job and Authorities Customer Service Division       
  1. - Responsible for transcribing dictation and composing correspondence to member of
        head office and branches.
      -  To assist the Marketing Department, details as the following;
a)      Checked all of the freight for all the destination ports with our Head Quarter at Hong Kong office by E-mail.
b)      Checked all details the freight mentioned on the Bill of lading.
c)      Responsible to arrange the details price as per Bill of lading by daily and monthly inter office memo report and must be reported to Export and Import Department.
d)      Inform to Marketing Department the selling price to customer.
e)      Sent the sales lead for export and import to our Agent at Europe, Asia Mediterranean, U.S.A, Australia and West Africa.
f)       Preparing pricing to collect from shipper, requested quotation rate from marketing department, agent or principal.

2.         Export / Import
Four years at Export and Import Department as Customer Service and Documentation 
Senior Staff  for handling shipment to Europe, Asia Mediterranean, U.S.A, Australia
and specialization for West Africa.

   These include preparing :
-          document (bill of lading), delivery order,
-          reply messages and checking all the shipment from branch office or overseas before zip to transshipment port and destination,
-          checking cargo loaded and manifest document before submit to custom,
-          solve the problem for any cases & complain happen from shipper and consignee,
-          released document to customer as company procedure in export-import
-          tracing cargo and checking cargoes status to loading port, transshipment  port and destination port, etc.

3.      Two years at Traffic Department and my job including :
- accept booking for any service such as Asia Mediterranean, Europe, USA, Australia 
   and Africa,
- coordinated and controlled booking as per quotation from head office or feeder operator  
  and all branches office request
- maintenance / check space required and space available on vessel and mother vessel /
  connecting  vessel
- dealing with interrelated department / division / business partner for space available (
  quote joint slot)
- supporting and solve the problem if branches needed.
- solve the problem for any cases & complain happen from shipper and consignee  
- check and make sure that the vessel berthing and arrived on the right time at loading
  port and transshipment port, enable to connect to available vessel / mother vessel
  as prediction,
- to a sure that all cargoes laying on the right terminal before the vessel arrived,
- make sure that all cargoes on board on the right vessel and the right routing,
- to a sure that no discrepancies on our manifest data and bills of lading with destination
  port data before submitted to custom,
- check all cargoes loaded report from loading port and all transshipment port,
- tracing cargo, whether the cargoes already arrived at destination as per schedule,
- correspondence by phone, fax and e-mail to all loading port, transshipment port and
  destination port regarding our shipment, etc.

During my working time at Shipping Company, I was received the best performance award for period 1999-2000 from Royal Selangor, Malaysia and on others period,  2001-2002.

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